Remapping notebook shortcuts

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As Jupyter notebook run in a browser for technical and practical reasons we only have a limited number of shortcuts available and choices need to be made. Often this choices may conflict with browser shortcut, and you might need to remap it.

Today I was inform by Stefan van Der Walt that Cmd-Shift-P conflict for Firefox. It is mapped both to open the Command palette for the notebook and open a new Private Browsing window.

Using Private Browsing windows is extremely useful. When developing a website you might want to look at it without being logged in, and with an empty cache. So let see how we can remap the Jupyter notebook shortcut.


Use the following in your ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.js :

require(['base/js/namespace'], function(Jupyter){
  // we might want to but that in a callback on wait for 
  // en even telling us the ntebook is ready.
  console.log('== remaping command palette shortcut ==')
  // note that meta is the command key on mac.
  var source_sht = 'meta-shift-p'
  var target_sht = 'meta-/'
  var cmd_shortcuts = Jupyter.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts;
  var action_name = cmd_shortcuts.get_shortcut(source_sht)
  cmd_shortcuts.add_shortcut(target_sht, action_name)
  console.log('== ', action_name, 'remaped from', source_sht, 'to', target_sht )


We need to use require and register a callback once the notebook is loaded:

require(['base/js/namespace'], function(Jupyter){

Here we grab the main namespace and name it Jupyter.

Then get the object that hold the various shortcuts: var cmd_shortcuts = Jupyter.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.

Shortcuts are define by sequence on keys with modifiers. Modifiers are dash-separated (need to be pressed at the same time). Sequence are comma separated. Example quiting in vim would be esc,;,w,q, in emacs ctrl-x,ctrl-c.

Here we want to unbind meta-shift-p (p is lowercase despite shift being pressed) and bind meta-/ (The shortcut Stefan wants). Note that meta- is the command key on mac.

We need to get the current command bound to this shortcut (cmd_shortcuts.get_shortcut(source_sht)). You could hardcode the name of the command but it may change a bit depending on notebook version (this is not yet public API). Here it is jupyter-notebook:show-command-palette.

You now bind it to your new shortcut:

cmd_shortcuts.add_shortcut('meta-/', action_name)

And finally unbind the original one


UI reflect your changes !

If you open the command palette, you should see that the Show command palette command now display Command-/ as its shortcut !


We are working on an interface to edit shortcuts directly from within the UI and not to have to write a single line of code !

Questions, feedback and fixes welcomed